June 9, 2015

The Homey High School Classroom

For some strange reason there is a belief that high school kids don't appreciate decorated rooms with great ambiance. FALSE! Believe it or not, they love creature comforts, brilliant colors, and inspiring decor. My kids are always telling me, "Mrs. Embry, I love your room. It's my favorite!" I love hearing that! They appreciate the effort. Trust me. 

My room as pictured below was a gradual process. I change and add a little bit each year. It's always so funny (and rewarding) to have juniors and seniors (as I teach sophomore English) stop in and declare "This is so cool! Why didn't you have this when we were in your class?" They notice!

I have a few things planned for the new year, and I will post my progress. Watch for updates!

This is my classroom mid Fall semester last year. *I have tables now.*
*I also make my room homey for me. I spend so many hours here, I need to feel comfortable too.*

This is my library corner.

I have comfy polka dot chairs that are always a coveted seat (especially on reading days). The fabric is wearing, so I hope to try my hand at reupholstering this summer. The coffee table houses the book return tray. The whiteboard above the bookshelf is for book recommendations and requests (though I am toying with the idea of making it a magnetic poetry station). I modpodged printouts of book covers to the words 'READ BOOKS' and mounted them next to the whiteboard.

This area is getting the most attention this summer with Pintrest DIY projects and great finds from etsy, not to mention the addition of a couch (brought in from home when we upgraded). 

This is the front of the room with my whiteboard and SMART projector.

The window on the left is where I record the objectives, class work and homework for each of my three preps. A huge shout out to my hubby for making it for me! The picture frames on the right are bell schedules, progress report dates, reading point deadlines, classroom rules, and a motivational quote. Above the whiteboard are 'Words Not Allowed in Writing' and essay editing symbols.

This is my area... the TEACHER'S DESK.  

The desk is covered with contact paper. Another shout out. This one goes to the fabulous art teacher and my best friend for covering my desk and saving me from myself. Being OCD and seeing everything as crooked can be a real pain. This is where I keep all my teacher materials as well.

I get TONS of compliments on the 'ENGLISH' behind my desk. It is so simple (and inexpensive)! 7 shoebox lids with painted edges and tops covered in scrapbook paper with letters printed on resume paper.

This is my computer area.

This is where the students enter the room. On the left side of the door are the hall pass, tardy logs, and classroom log sheets for leaving the classroom. To the left of the computer is my charging station-- a MUST for a 1:1 classroom. The charging station is a dish drainer with a circular power strip and a variety of charging cords. It's inexpensive and holds any of the students' devices.

I hope you've enjoyed my classroom tour. Just remember, it was created gradually. You can do it too. Pintrest is your new best friend and budget saver. 

Thanks for reading! 

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